Category: General

  • Foundation of the association

    Foundation of the association

    Official foundation of the NICA e.V.
    Establishment of a network for inclusive circus arts

    Wir freuen uns, Euch mitteilen zu dürfen, dass am 03.09.2023 ein wichtiger Meilenstein in der inklusiven Zirkuslandschaft erreicht wurde: Die offizielle Gründung des NICA e.V., das “Network for/of inclusive circus arts”.

    Mit einer Besonderheit wurde die Gründung gefeiert: Ein Treffen der Gründungsmitglieder in einem Park mit einer Großportion Sushi – ein unkonventioneller, dennoch einprägsamer Startpunkt für unseren Verein.

    NICA e.V. is not only a platform for circus arts, but an ambitious project that wants to continue and intensify the chosen path of inclusion in the performing arts. By founding the association, we have created a legal framework that allows us to implement our goals in a systematic and organized way.

    We have already started to submit the first applications for projects. Hereby we translate our intention into concrete actions and make clear that NICA is more than just the vision of a group of people - it is an active contribution to the creation of an inclusive circus world.

    Parallel to the application process, we laid the technical foundations for our digital infrastructure. This opens up the possibility for us to work efficiently, exchange ideas and present our projects professionally both internally and publicly.

    With the foundation of NICA e.V. we accept the mission to continuously promote and strengthen inclusive circus arts. In doing so, we look forward to the future with excitement and are happy about any form of support and cooperation.

    The foundation of NICA e.V. is the beginning of an exciting journey. Together with you, we look forward to a future in which inclusive circus arts find their permanent place in the heart of our society.

    Thank you for your interest and support!
